Tuesday, May 16, 2023

All About Smith Heap, 1825-1899: Temperance Drinks, Surplus Wives - and a Heap o' Trouble

Smith Heap was born in Lancashire, England, in 1825. He joined the LDS Church in 1840, married Alice Parker - also of Lancashire - in 1846, and arrived in New Orleans aboard the ship Argo in 1850.The Heaps settled in St Louis, where they had seven more children, before moving to Utah territory around...

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Halloween 2019 treat: Kingston United Order plus a Messianic California cult leader plus Lake Bonneville stone & coal mine rails = Kays Cross?

With Halloween just around the corner, it's time to think about the mystery of Kay's Cross again. And do we have a whopper of a development today! Late last night, relatives of Malvern Hansen wrote to share with me with a detailed account of the building of Kay's Cross: I understand there's a...

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Olive Oatman: Mormon pioneer girl who lived with Native Americans for five years

We interrupt our current mystery--which itself is interrupting our main mystery, discovering the builders of the infamous Kay's Cross--to bring you a fascinating story of a Mormon pioneer girl who spent years living with Native American people in Arizona. Olive Oatman, 1838–1903, by Benjamin F....

Monday, July 29, 2019

A Handcart Trek Mystery - Part 2: Mary Mathieson and the Luggage Disaster

Our exploration of the life of William Heaton and his family in Part 1 of A Handcart Trek Mystery solved a few mysteries but raised a few more. Among those: Who was Mary Mathieson and why was she living and traveling with the Heatons in 1856? This is a mystery that turns out to have a very interesting...

Friday, July 26, 2019

William Heaton and A Handcart Trek Mystery - Part 1

William Heaton was my great-great grandfather. I have been doing a little research into him because of some minor mysteries about his life: What was he doing between August, 1853, when his missionary journal ends, and March 1856 when he and his family boarded the ship Enoch Train for America? Where...